The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

What is the sound of silence?
When life is still and time makes no noise
The clanking of a clock
The streetcars passing by
A spoon against a dish in the kitchen
Foot steps up the stares
Does life ever pause?
Can time rest?
Where do the heartbeats of men go?
Who numbers them to their last?
The intricate details of life
Who put them together?
The spots on the cheetah
Who arranged them?
Who chose my design?
Who made the lion king of the jungle?
And placed the teeth in the mouth of the shark?
Who gave the snake its’ venom
And the bee its' sting?
Who put blood in the veins of man?
And stars in the night sky?
Creator of heaven and earth
No one but you!
by ELL

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