

A baby quietly sleeping
Her breath, a lullaby.
She is peace and I surrender
To the peace God gives
From one who cannot speak,
Yet with a look,
She steels my heart.
With her eye's
Her quiet gaze
She sees through my soul.
Through her
God teaches me surrender
He takes me
To a peace I want to know.

I lay her in her bed,
She drifts asleep without a fight.
How many times I have fought
When I didn't need to fight.

She accepts,
She trusts,
Her eyes tell me so.
She teaches me surrender,
How content she is,
To her contentment I want to go.

Little Willow by the lake,
Soft breaths flow through you.
You gentle the earth around you.
Heaven covers you in it's dew.

Picturesque and unchanged
You stand as poetry.
Little Willow by the lake
How easily you surrender
You are full of serenity.

God gives gifts of healing
and peace in packages,
In places
In times unexpected.

by ELL

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