

Broken doll, only good to throw away
You were left out in the yard
'Till a dog came and took you away

Dropped under the porch eventually
You sunk into the mud
And there you stayed forgotten and broken
Unwanted in every way

Time went on, your hair matted
Your clothes rotted into the ground
laying in your darkness
Lifeless with no sound

You didn't feel, see or hear
Senselessness overcame
Numb to the world
Your abandonment became your grave

Many past that porch
But none came to save

Little Baby doll
Never meant to be thrown away.
You weren't made to be discarded
 That horrible day

You were bought for a purpose
There was a high price payed

Your hair, your face, your dress
Every detail planed

On purpose
You were meant to be...

Rocked to sleep
And held preciously
And loved for all you are
And all you'll ever be

I will wash your hair

I will clean your face
And give you a new dress
What was forgotten and lost
Finally will be replaced

by ELL

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